Avenue Junior School is proud to be a School of Sanctuary. We strive to be a welcoming and inclusive school where all members of the community share our values. We endeavour to raise the aspirations of all our pupils, including those with SEND.

To find out more information on how we identify SEND, the provision available for children at Avenue Junior School and how we review provision for children with SEND please see our identification flowchartprovision map and graduated approach document. For more detailed information on how we support children with SEND, you can read our information report. This document is written in an FAQ format so that it is easily digestible to readers and avoids the use of professional jargon.

If you have concerns about special educational needs or disabilities, your first point of contact is always your child’s teacher. You can also contact the school’s SENDCO, Liz Williams.

She can be contacted either by telephone via the school office or by email at

If you would like more information on the services and support available in Norfolk please see the Norfolk Local Offer page on Norfolk County Council's website.

Free SEND E-learning courses for parents