Our Curriculum
At Avenue Junior we put literature at the heart of our exciting, broad and rich curriculum. Through our curriculum, children will develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to be successful in their learning journey through school.
Through working in partnership with our whole school community, we will deliver a curriculum that fosters the following in our children:
- Confidence and enthusiasm; they have happy memories of challenging and exciting learning and high aspirations for their future.
- Compassion, care and empathy; they value the world, their school and each other.
- A sense of pride in themselves and their achievements and a strong belief in their own identity.
- Coping skills for life in an ever-changing world.
- Creative thinking, imagination and curiosity.
Our curriculum is based upon the principles of access to high quality skills teaching in English and Mathematics with opportunities to apply these skills across the curriculum as part of wider, immersive topics. We recognise the importance of widening our lens beyond the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and strive to include a broad and balanced view of the world through exploring a range of viewpoints and cultures. Our work on Schools of Sanctuary plays an important part in our curriculum and is central to developing the children’s understanding of themselves and others, and their place and role in the community and the wider world.
We aim to open the children to a wide range of learning experiences, including an impressive range of first-hand learning experiences both within the school and outside the classroom and access to high-profile visitors to engage and inspire. Children will have a range of opportunities to work individually, in pairs or as part of a group developing these skills throughout their time at Avenue Junior in preparation for later life.
Organisation of teaching
Children are taught in mixed ability classes by their class teacher with specialist teachers enhancing the provision in Music and PE.
A whole school overview indicates the themes and content for each year, focussing on the development of skills, knowledge and vocabulary throughout a child’s time at the school as well as detailing the quality texts on offer. Our School of Sanctuary work is embedded in each topic. Yearly and half-termly plans, which can be found on the school website, are produced for each year group. Teachers in each year group plan together to share expertise, ensure consistency and provide the best offer for the children in their care.
Involving Parents/ Carers and Pupils
The views of the children, parents and carers are very important to the school and their responses to questionnaires and feedback is used in supporting future planning. Pupil response to the curriculum is collected through interviews with the children, representation on the school council and through questionnaires. Their views and opinions help shape the curriculum we teach every year.