Avenue Junior School is proud to be a School of Sanctuary. We strive to be a welcoming and inclusive school where all members of the community share our values; respect, resilience and aspiration. Our commitment to anti-racism is a key part of this vision. On this page you will find information and resources relating to that commitment.
One aspect of our journey to be an anti-racist institution is creating opportunities to highlight and celebrate the diversity of our community. Here are some events and activities that have contributed to that:
- Our mural - Migration is the story of human history
- Our Community Calendar
- Marking Wear Red Day each October
Reporting a racist incident to Avenue Junior
If you or someone you know has been involved in a racist incident, please report it to us here.
Charter Anti-racism
Resources The Halo
Code Anti-Racism
Policy Recognise, Report
& Respond
Unicef describes anti-racism as being a meaningful ally to people and colleagues of colour, and actively tackling racism where you see it. This is different from saying we’re not racist, it is an obligation in both our professional and personal lives to actively call out discrimination and injustices.
Anti-racism can be achieved by our commitment to:
- Listening to voices of colour; by actively listening to peoples’ lived experiences of racism and discrimination
- Learning about racism in the U.K and around the world. Taking the initiative to actively understand structural oppression, privilege, and our roles in upholding systems of inequality
- Living an anti-racist lifestyle: call out inequality when you see it
This is a commitment we expect all of our stakeholders; pupils, staff, parents and the wider community, to make when they enter our setting.
& Respond